Allies and Advocates for Women (A2W) – A diverse and inclusive group whose members strive to create a workforce that promotes opportunities and supports a culture that fosters successful women and girls.  Inception: 2016

Chair: Nicole Piontek Co-Chair: Melanie Grande

Executive Sponsor: Andrea Warmbier

Contact: larc-dl-a2wleads@mail.nasa.gov

Website: click here


  • A diverse and inclusive group whose members influence dialog and promote awareness of the challenges women face in STEM environments.


  • Positively impact the issues that affect women in the workplace.
  • Create awareness to decrease stereotypes and biases that negatively impact women in the workplace.
  • Play a vital role in LaRC’s retention efforts by offering employees a sense of community and belonging.
  • Engage with the CLC to strategically evaluate workforce culture and influence center level policy.