Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) – We aspire to help create a work environment in which all members of the NASA community can thrive and bring the best of their abilities to support each other and the NASA Mission. We envision a workplace in which the heritage, culture, perspectives, contributions, and needs of people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent are shared and valued by all. Inception: 2021

Chair: Matt Simon Co-Chair: Brian Notosubagyo

Executive Sponsor: Steve Dykeman

Contact: larc-erg-aapi@mail.nasa.gov



  • Provide a support network for those who identify as Asian Americans or Pacific
  •  Promote discussion on and advocate for issues affecting the AAPI community.
  • Promote cultural awareness and connection between AAPI individuals on the center,
    at the agency, and in the local community.
  • Provide a forum through which employees from any background can engage with us
    as colleagues, friends, and allies.


  • Provide outreach opportunities to connect Langley employees with organizations
    involved with the ERG community.
  • Initiate activities and programs to foster relationships and communication among all
    Langley employees on ERG issues.
  • Increase employee engagement and cross-agency connectivity.
  • Supply support for center events and activities and community building.