Employees Enabled and Empowered (EEE) – An all-inclusive group that focuses on disability issues. EEE strives to make Langley a model workplace for disability inclusion by building awareness around disability inclusion, advocating for hiring individuals with disabilities, and supporting employees and managers to realize an inclusive work environment for all employees. Inception: 2019
Chair: William F. Wood Co-Chair: Karen Bibb & Samantha Johnson
Executive Sponsor: Loretta Kelemen
Contact: larc-dl-erg-eee-all@mail.nasa.com
VISION: To Strengthen NASA Langley’s potential as an Agency leader to draw upon the collective talents, experiences, and ideas of a diverse and engaged workforce by creating an environment that welcomes differing perspectives. This ERG will enable our members to contribute to the fullest of their abilities to foster excellence and growth; and build awareness and competency around disability inclusion at the Center for all employees.
- Engage leadership as champions of disability inclusion
- Foster networking and bench-marking efforts to help accomplish the goals of the ERG
- Provide opportunities to build awareness and competency through interactive dialogue and skill building workshops (etiquette workshop, disability)
- Include individuals with disabilities as motivational speakers and workshop participants
- Provide opportunities for LaRC personnel to share knowledge and experiences
- Leverage LaRC for special needs planning and Reasonable Accommodations (RA)
- Increase awareness of workplace accessibility and accommodation solutions
- Engage diversity committees and Employee Resource Groups throughout LaRC, and to align activities and goals with other ERGs
- Expand awareness and impact through strategic communications, including videos, advertising, posters, e-mail, where appropriate
- Foster improvement of recruitment efforts of Individuals with Disabilities and Schedule A hiring ability
- Awareness of disability protocols
- Voice directly to/from senior management
- Knowledge sharing of interactive dialog and skill building throughout the Center
- Champions for awareness for all individuals
- Engagement through communication and alignment with other ERGs and with the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs to bring in speakers and work with Special Emphasis Programs to foster awareness for Diversity and Inclusion